Mr. Stolpe is a fisheries consultant from New Jersey, the Communications Director of the Garden State Seafood Association, and the primary author, architect, and designer of the website He holds a Masters of Science in Marine Biology and Environmental Planning. He has over 30 years experience working in the seafood industry, including being a consultant to the Fisheries Research Institute, with expertise in the areas of seafood marketing, mariculture business development and management, fisheries research, environmental impact and representing the fisheries industry at the local, state and federal levels. Additionally, Mr. Stolpe has played a key role in mobilizing and connecting individuals in the fishing industry. He designed and implemented a computerized fax networking system to connect fisheries industry leaders and government officials. Mr. Stolpe also briefly worked at an aquaculture facility for a state agency and co-chaired a workshop that explored the potential impacts of intensive recreational boating on estuarine productivity. He has written several articles on fisheries management issues and has been published in the national trade journal for the U.S. commercial fishing industry, the American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists,, and