I am writing to express the support of the Center for Sustainable Fisheries for the letter to the editor by Dr. William A. Karp, science and research director at NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center, on Oct. 2 (“Scientists, fishermen must work together”). Dr. Karp’s interest in overcoming “negative politics” and “working together to improve … science and mutual understanding” is an important and necessary step that must occur in order to develop a successful fishing management plan for the Northeast.
While getting the science right is critical, we also have to be concerned with the quality of fisheries management, economic efficiency and social justice for fishermen, as outlined in the Magnuson-Stevens Act. It is imperative that we work together to obtain better science, help our local fishing industry thrive economically, and preserve the rich culture and history the industry has in New Bedford and throughout the Northeast.
We propose that a good first step in moving ahead is to organize a forum early in 2014 where an agenda for working together to improve science and mutual understanding between the government and the public can be developed. We believe that the “End To End” review of stock assessment being conducted by professor Steve Cadrin at SMAST will provide important input for the forum.
We hope that the forum’s agenda could also include a time-phased plan to complete needed actions. Our new organization, the Center for Sustainable Fisheries, is happy to work with Dr. Karp and other stakeholders to organize the forum. We look forward to working with Dr. Karp and other fisheries experts to resolve these issues.
Kate Kramer
New Bedford
This article first appeared in the New Bedford Standard Times at: http://www.southcoasttoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20131006/OPINION/310060303&cid=sitesearch
To view Dr. Karp’s Article, please click here: http://www.southcoasttoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20131002/OPINION/310020303&cid=sitesearch